Gotham City News Links

Empire State Building

Welcome to Gotham City News Links. The website links numerous popular NYC newspaper sites all to one webpage. It aims to be a one stop shopping news outlet for people who prefer reading their favorite NYC based newspaper online rather then in traditional print. It means that news readers will no longer have to navigate to different sites because all the links to their favorite newspapers will be housed under one webpage. It's about convenience.

This site is all about satisfying the insatiable appetite of news junkies who spend endless hours on the internet reading newspapers, because they want to be informed about what is going on around them as well be entertained at times with titillating non-news stories aka "crap". This site is open to anyone who surfs the internet. I suspect this site will attract people like me who don't have much of a life, and waste a lot of time at work reading online newspapers while trying to combat 8 hours a day of boredom in a cubicle farm.

This webpage practices the art of KISS meaning "Keep it simple stupid". The site is for people who enjoy reading different NYC news media minus all the typical annoying distractions that usually drive most people away from many websites in less then 10 seconds. These are just some of the many NY based newspapers, and there are many more. Please feel free to e-mail with more NY newspaper sites, and I'll be more then happy to expand this site with more links. Essentially, the site is geared for people with an attention span of more then 5 minutes.

The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Sun
The New York Daily News
The New York Post
The Village Voice
Fact Check

e-mail me at

Page was last updated on 03/05/06

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