
Database Searching

subject to change: 2002–09–22

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Course Description

This course will introduce the students to the theory of information retrieval and its application in large-scale commercial database system. In addition, the course will also introduce student the SQL database language.

Web searching will not be covered at all.

Course objectives

On completing this course, students


Students should have a basic command of the MS Windows 2000 operating system because the machines in the lab run on this operating system.


Thomas Krichel
Palmer School of Library and Information Science
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
720 Northern Boulevard
Brookville, NY 11548–1300
work phone: +1–(516)299–2843 private phone: +1–(718)507–1117

Class structure

Classes will be held on Sunday afternoon between 13:30 and 19:00 at the Bobst Libary's Electronic Resource Center.

There will be a mixture of lectures and hands-on work in the lab. Provisional class details are:

1 2002–09–15 Information Retrieval 1
2 2002–09–22 Information Retrieval 2 and DIALOG
3 2002–10–29 DIALOG
4 2002–10–06 Lexis/Nexis
5 2002–10–13 FirstSearch
2002–10–20 no class
6 2002–11–27 citation indexing and searching


The powerpoint slides of the intructor are the reading. The slides may point to other sources of reference as required. Of course database practice makes for a master searcher.


Each student will have to prepare a search exercise and report as detailed in the first lecture. This report must not exceed 5 pages. Appendices will be discarded. It will count for 50% of total grade. It is due on November 3. Quizes at the start of lectures 2 and 3 will count for 15%, and quizzes at the start of lecture 4 and 5 will count 10% each.

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