ITR3: Introduction to Information Technology


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Course Description

This course introduces students to fundamental facts and concepts of information technology. The course aims to cover computer hardware, operating systems, and computer networking. As a practical application, students will be introduced to building their own Linux machine. In addition, the course will be provide an introduction to information technologies that are completely hardware independent, such as XML and Unicode.

Course objectives

After taking this course students


There are no other formal prerequisites for this course.


Thomas Krichel
Palmer School of Library and Information Science
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
720 Northern Boulevard
Brookville, NY 11548–1300
work phone: +1–(516)299–2843

Private contact details may be obtained from the online CV.

Class structure

Classes will be held in the computer lab in the Palmer School between 17:45 and 20:20. Each class will have some presentation by the instructor. Some classes will be completely focussed on the completion of tasks.

Class details:

0 2002–09–03 introduction to the course
1 2002–09–10 bits, bytes and characters
2 2002–09–17 XML I
3 2002–09–23 XSL and XML Schema
4 2002–10–01 hardware installation
5 2002–10–08 cryptography and GNU
2002–10–15 no class
6 2002–10–22 introduction to linux
7 2002–10–29 installing debian
8 2002–11–05 more on unix, dns
10 2002–11–19 mail and network options
11 2002–11–26 peer-to-peer networks
12 2002–12–02 computer and network security
13 2002–12–09 other stuff


The slides prepared by the instructor are the initial readings. The slides contain pointers to further readings.


There will be a quiz at the beginning of each class, exept the first class or if it has bee announced otherwise. The average of the quizzes will make up 100% of the grade, but the two lowest grades achieved will be discounted.

Students who are not satisfied with the grade may hand in written work. Such written work will discuss the usefulness of a package in the Debian software system. Students may choose this packages as they please but are encouraged to seek the advice of the instructor. If the student hands in written work, the grade of this written work will make 50% of the average. Such work will have to be handed in on the last day of the semester, i.e. 2002–12–16.

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