A Taste of Cameroon

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Cameroon, called "Africa in Miniature", owes this title to its geographical, climatic, religious, ethnic and linguistic diversity. The Central African country of Cameroon is also known among soccer fans for its national team, the Indomitable Lions and as well is one of the few countries in the world to have both English and French as official languages. When we consider the diversity that gives this country such charm, however, we often forget a domain of capital importance: cuisine.

In fact, the cuisine of Cameroon is extremely varied, with each of the country's ten provinces possessing its own specialties. These dishes translate an art of living, a way of thinking of the world and the relationships between those who make up society. In addition to the dishes specific to ethnicities and provinces, there are some so delicious that they have become national favorites, for instance, ndolé (bitter green leaves).

This work covers every facet of Cameroonian culinary arts, but places special emphasis on the dishes of the West Province - that is to say, the high plateaus of the iron country, inhabited by the Bamiléké(fr), (en), one of the most important ethnic groups of the country and considered the most dynamic by more than one observer. Its highly hierarchical society, organized around traditional chiefdoms, manifests itself in culinary habits and traditions. Thus, during the induction rites of chiefs or notables, during initiation rites, funerals, engagement celebrations and traditional weddings, entreés like taro in yellow sauce and kondré (plantains with pork) accompanied by raffia (palm) wine are the most common dishes, while during visits to newborns, couscous and nkui with sautéed vegetables are eaten. At Christmas and the New Year, and at baptisms and gatherings with friends, guests partake of varied dishes adapted to age and social status. Often on these occasions, complete meals composed of salads as appetizers, main dishes of rice, ripe plantains, ndolé, roast meat or grilled fish are served. The meal is of course completed by a dessert of cakes or fruits such as watermelon, orange, mango, grapefruit or banana.

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