
Introduction to Digital Information Technology


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Course Description

This course introduces students to fundamental facts and concepts of information technology. The course aims to cover computer hardware, operating systems, and computer networking.

Course objectives

After taking this course students


There are no formal prerequisites for this course.


Thomas Krichel
Palmer School of Library and Information Science
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
720 Northern Boulevard
Brookville, NY 11548–1300
work phone: +1–(516)299–2843

Private contact details may be obtained from the online CV.

Class structure

Classes will be held in the computer lab in the Palmer School between 18:15 and 20:45. An optional practice session will last until 21:15.

Class details:

0 2003–09–23 introduction to the course
1 2002–09–30 bits bytes and characters
2 2003–10–07 databases and markup languages
3 2003–10–14 computer hardware and input devices
4 2003–10–21 output devices and storage devices
5 2003–10–28 a look at MS Windows
6 2003–11–04 no class
7 2003–11–11 a look at Linux
8 2003–11–18 telecommunication basics
09 2003–11–25 Ethernet, IP and TCP
10 2002–12–02 important internet applications
11 2003–12–09 ethics and privacy
12 2003–12–16 computer and network security


The lecture's powerpoint slides should be the first port of call for the student. Each slide set will contain reference to the literature used by the instructor to prepare the lecture.

In addition, there are two textbooks that the students may wish to consult. This is Sawyer, Stacey and Brian K. Williams. "Using Information Technology: A Practical Guide to Computers and Communication", McGraw Hill 2003. The other is White, Ron "How computers work", referred to as above. Both books contain many mistakes.


Every lecture—except the first two—will contain a quiz of about ten minutes duration. The average of the grades of the quizzes makes for 50% of the course.

The remainder is composed from a essay. It should be brief, i.e. less than five pages, and must be handed in on the day of the last class.

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